
disruptive technologies


Is the ‘Too Big to Fail’ Designation Too Constricting?

“Too critical to fail.” Is that what regulators mean – more precise semantically if not quantifiably – when they regard a bank as being too big to be allowed to fail? Might “too critical” widen the...

July 26, 2024 | By Jeffrey Kutler


A Big Tech Arms Race Is Fueling the AI Boom. Are Productivity Gains or Business Efficiencies in Sight?

Artificial intelligence is driving a bull market in stocks, a win for investors. For economists, however, the payoff will be measured longer-term, depending on how billions of dollars of technology...

July 3, 2024 | By David Weldon


The Impact of Generative AI on Risk Careers: A Q&A with Michelle Liposky

While generative AI is viewed by many financial institutions as a highly leverageable business opportunity, finding the right professionals to help them understand the breadth of its associated risks...

May 31, 2024 | By Dean Essner


How Extreme – and How Manageable – Are the Risks of AI?

Prescribing the wrong risk management framework may inadvertently exacerbate the risks posed by artificial intelligence. For that reason, the possible “downfall of humanity” is an idea that should be...

May 17, 2024 | By Kelvin To


How Blockchain Technology Can Streamline an Investment Value Chain

The investment value chain has long been cluttered with intermediaries, dampening returns for investors and fostering inefficiencies and opacity within the financial sector. However, the rapid...

March 22, 2024 | By Mark Templeman


Risk Management and Generative AI: A Matter of Urgency

Only 9% of companies believe they are adequately prepared to manage the risks of generative AI. Organizations are still figuring out what generative AI safeguards are needed. In fact, only 17% of...

March 15, 2024 | By Jim Wetekamp


Pros and Cons of Generative AI: A Quantitative Analysis

Today, if you are a tech-savvy financial institution, you need to assess the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence – and of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in particular. Can...

March 1, 2024 | By Mike van de Graaf


The Impact of Generative AI on Risk Careers

The ascension of generative AI (GenAI) tools, like ChatGPT and other so-called large language models, will likely shake-up the risk management profession, altering roles and responsibilities. Though...

November 3, 2023 | By Tod Ginnis


Harm Reduction: A Strategy to Mitigate the Risks of AI

The rise of artificial intelligence tools over the past few years has improved modeling performance and has yielded risk management benefits across areas like fraud protection, anti-money laundering...

October 27, 2023 | By Jesús M. Gonzalez and Laura M. Gonzalez


Quantum Computing: Breakthrough Performance Comes with High-Stakes Perils

Technology revolutions can arrive unanticipated, their risks mitigated reactively at best. Think about the internet, whose security vulnerabilities were exposed with mass adoption, and which...

September 8, 2023 | By David Weldon


Large Language Models, Security and Privacy

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have vast potential in the financial sector. It’s a classic scenario of technology optimizing human work, not replacing it. These artificial intelligence...

August 25, 2023 | By Ani Chaudhuri


AI Regulation Is On the Way – But Not So Fast

Artificial intelligence is turning the worlds of technology, business and government on their heads. All face strategic conundrums as, with ever-increasing power and visibility, large language models...

June 23, 2023 | By David Weldon


Managing the Risk of Large Language Models Like ChatGPT

Large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard are becoming increasingly popular among individuals and firms looking to take advantage of the incredible power and efficiency...

June 9, 2023 | By Aaron Pinnick


AI’s Inroads in Investment Management

Where is artificial intelligence? It can appear to be everywhere – note all the rage surrounding ChatGPT and generative AI – and yet it is far from the maturity and ubiquity that its visionaries say...

May 12, 2023 | By Michael Shashoua


AI ‘Digital Workers’ Take on AML, Risk and Compliance Tasks

Artificial intelligence is touted as a productivity enhancer and labor saver, but how solid is the evidence? Far away from the big financial centers and the institutions that invest most heavily in...

March 31, 2023 | By Jim Romeo


To Maximize Artificial Intelligence’s Value, We Have to Let It Do Its Thing. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

There is no question that artificial intelligence is a vital and growing topic that many businesses are looking at and implementing. From evaluating potential business deals to defending networks...

November 23, 2022 | By Alan Brill


Risk and Compliance Disruptors: Innovative Startups Specialize in Automation and Acceleration

Disrupt. Innovate. Accelerate. These are activities far more likely to be associated with technology and innovation than with risk management and compliance – except where entrepreneurs are shaking...

November 4, 2022 | By Katherine Heires


The Ethereum Merge: A Smoother On-Ramp for Institutional Finance?

The hype surrounding a major upgrade of the Ethereum blockchain had been building for years, but mainly among crypto-market enthusiasts who worked on it or understood the technicalities. Closer to –...

September 23, 2022 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Fintech Innovation: What Does it Mean for FRMs?

Fintechs are among the world’s most innovative companies. Innovation is moving so fast, in fact, that financial regulators are having trouble keeping up – but what are the risks of this disruptive...

September 9, 2022 | By Tod Ginnis


Machine Learning and Risk Management: A Q&A with Professor John Hull

Machine-learning (ML) models have become increasingly prominent within financial services firms, and their adoption is unlikely to slow anytime soon. What does this mean for the employment prospects...

August 5, 2022 | By Tod Ginnis


U.S. Seeks Expert Insights on Artificial Intelligence

Although artificial intelligence has been evolving and gaining commercial acceptance for decades, it is advancing at such a pace as to confound efforts to fully grasp its business, economic and...

July 15, 2022 | By David Weldon


The Rise of the Metaverse: A Brave New World for Risk Managers?

Metaverse is one of the hottest buzzwords in technology. Given its potential impact on financial services firms, it’s a good idea to examine this new digital reality and to consider what it might...

April 15, 2022 | By Tod Ginnis


The Ukraine Crisis Puts the Focus on Crypto

The invasion of the Ukraine by the Russian army was a sharp reminder that the world does not let us pause and recover from one crisis before delivering another; it would seem that, unfortunately,...

April 8, 2022 | By Peter Horne


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Grow in Financial Services – with Caveats

For Ibrahim Dusi, chief risk officer for the Americas at Revolut, artificial intelligence and machine learning “are an important tool in our toolkit” for fighting fraud or identifying bad actors....

March 25, 2022 | By Katherine Heires


The Impact of Technological Advancements on Risk Managers

Today, financial institutions are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for everything from credit underwriting to fraud detection and anti-money laundering. It seems...

February 18, 2022 | By Tod Ginnis


Blockchain Shows Promise in Securitization

Even as distributed ledger technology shows that it can deliver efficiency and risk management benefits in structured finance, the vision of a fully digital marketplace has been slow to take shape....

January 28, 2022 | By John Hintze


Former Financial Regulators Dive Deeper into Crypto

A boom year in cryptocurrency trading and digital-asset development is nearing an end, and there is no let-up in the market’s allure for ex-regulators embracing both pro-innovation and...

December 17, 2021 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Executive Moves: Heavy Traffic on Cryptocurrency's Bumpy Road

The price of bitcoin can be wildly volatile. Cryptocurrency exchanges have been hacked and suffered outages. Some of those organizations hopscotch around the world to minimize regulatory oversight;...

September 3, 2021 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Consensus Begets Competition in Digital-Asset Infrastructure

Like other leading market operators - and the investment community they serve - Deutsche BÖrse Group has been watching the emergence of crypto assets and setting strategy for jumping into the fray....

July 30, 2021 | By Jeffrey Kutler


For Ex-Regulators, the Door Revolves Toward Tech

If career moves by former regulators are signs of the times, then J. Christopher Giancarlo could be the contemporary archetype. His first major announcement, after stepping down in 2019 from the...

April 9, 2021 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Securitize Inc.: Full-Service, Regulated, and 'Reinventing Private Capital Markets'

The still unfolding saga of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, while rife with speculation and skepticism, has given rise to a dynamic and growing class of digital asset products and entrepreneurial...

January 22, 2021 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Regulators Are Off to the (Tech) Races

Speed and competition are hallmarks of high-tech culture. The financial industry has sought to infuse these values into its fintech initiatives, and the regulatory community is following suit. As...

November 25, 2020 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Fragmented ABS Market Turns to Blockchain for Structure

In an effort to address the types of inefficiencies in the securitization market that helped fuel the subprime mortgage crisis, a pair of large financial services firms are now employing blockchain -...

October 2, 2020 | By John Hintze


XBTO: A 'Micro Ecosystem' Takes the Measure of Cryptofinance

The original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and its blockchain ledger are more than a decade old. Yet even as established institutions have deliberately made their way into the asset class and tested the...

August 28, 2020 | By Jeffrey Kutler


For When Artificial Intelligence Goes Awry: Incident Response Plans

Many organizations are experimenting with, if not purposefully deploying, artificial intelligence. But what happens when those systems or the decision models they power go haywire, decay, or are...

July 31, 2020 | By Katherine Heires


A New, 'Competitive' Phase of Crypto-Asset Regulation

Historically, financial regulatory agencies were anything but centers of innovation and were assumed to be a step or two behind the institutions they supervised, particularly when it came to...

July 24, 2020 | By Jeffrey Kutler


The Anti-Money Laundering Challenge: How to Improve Transaction Monitoring

Money-laundering scandals have been the bane of financial institutions for two decades, and 2020 is proving no different. Faced with ever-increasing regulatory-enforcement actions, many firms...

June 5, 2020 | By Sven Stumbauer


New Fit for Blockchain: Securities Lending at the OCC

The fanfare may not be quite what blockchain promoters were anticipating a few years ago, but the technology is gradually and noticeably establishing itself as a component of financial market...

May 29, 2020 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Disruption Drives the Convergence of Emerging Technologies and Innovation

Today's business leaders are dealing with unprecedented levels of disruption and uncertainty. Focused on immediate concerns, organizations have prioritized establishing flexible and secure remote...

May 8, 2020 | By Phil Ratcliff


A Call for Deliberation on AI and Quantum Computing

Speaking in March 2019 at a conference in Washington, Thomas Vartanian said technologies like artificial intelligence and big data would inevitably attract regulatory intervention. The longtime...

January 17, 2020 | By Ted Knutson


Regulators Stress Risk Management in Consultations on Crypto

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) separately announced initiatives that underscore financial regulators' determination to be...

December 20, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


How Risk Managers Can Most Effectively Apply AI

Tremendous changes are taking place in the financial services industry. Data volumes are increasing, data availability is improving, information is being shared faster, and new methods of analysis...

December 6, 2019 | By Alla Gil


ECB’s Coeuré to Head BIS Innovation Hub

BenoÎt CoeurÉ, whose eight-year term on the European Central Bank executive board expires December 31, will move to the Bank for International Settlements as head of the BIS Innovation Hub, which was...

November 12, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


CFTC Raises Status of Its Tech Lab, Joins Other Agencies in Global Innovation Group

Into his fourth month at the helm at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, chairman Heath P. Tarbert is pushing the accelerator on the agency's technology and innovation. On October 10 he...

October 29, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Tassat: A Range of Services Across the Blockchain Spectrum

Institutional investing and trading in crypto assets have been slow to take off, but not for lack of trying by the likes of Tassat Group. It is one of a number of ventures touting...

September 13, 2019 | By John Hintze


Strength in Numbers: Consortium Blockchain Projects Make Headway

The consortium approach to financial blockchain business opportunities is gaining further validation as groups in the banking and insurance industries take their respective projects forward. Utility...

August 23, 2019 | By Juliette Fairley and Jeffrey Kutler


BIS Follows National Regulators into the Innovation Business

The Bank for International Settlements, which included in its 2019 Annual Economic Report an analysis titled Big Tech in Finance: Opportunities and Risks, has announced BIS Innovation Hub. It will...

July 12, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


The Agile Risk Manager

Can there be such a thing as an agile risk management function? The question is deeply important because competitive conditions are forcing more and more companies into agile and digital...

June 21, 2019 | By Haydn Shaughnessy and Fin Goulding


A Broker-Dealer Route for Blockchain

The general buzz around blockchain revolves around its long‐term potential to disrupt or displace traditional business processes or transaction flows. The near-term reality is that building blocks...

May 31, 2019 | By John Hintze


BitGo Bolsters Custody Case with Security Certification

Cryptocurrency processor and digital-asset custodian BitGo has achieved the SOC 2 Type 2 security certification, saying it will provide an edge in attracting institutional investor interest. The...

May 3, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


Innovation Amid the New Normal

Innovation is a top priority throughout the financial services industry. At BNP Paribas it is pervasive, with a bank-wide “club” of chief innovation officers, hackathons and other organized programs,...

April 26, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


The BIS-BCBS-FSB View of Crypto

Despite fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices - or perhaps because of their ongoing volatility and uncertainty - global regulatory authorities continue to monitor and sound warnings on financial...

April 18, 2019 | By John Hintze


CFTC Advisory Panel Compiles Warnings on Cloud Risks

Cloud computing services, for all their popularity, economics and operational advantages, still require special technology and risk management attention. In other words, nothing should be assumed to...

April 12, 2019 | By Ted Knutson


Cyber Law Expert Anticipates Regulatory Response to AI, Big Data

Regulation has barely begun to have an impact in areas of big data and artificial intelligence, but veteran financial industry lawyer and technology expert Thomas Vartanian said it is only matter of...

March 29, 2019 | By Ted Knutson


Quantum Computing and the Coming Threat to Data Security

Cybersecurity threats are a clear and present danger to businesses, governments and critical infrastructures. The National Institute of Standards and Technology made a significant contribution to...

March 29, 2019 | By Jeffrey Kutler


At tZERO, Blockchain Tech Development Turns to Action

Amid continuing debate over the viability of blockchain technology in financial services, online retailer's capital-markets-focused tZERO is pressing ahead. The venture has laid out...

March 22, 2019 | By John Hintze


When Machine Learning Models Grow - Rather Than Just Contain - Risk

Artificial intelligence is growing rapidly and could have a transformational impact on the banking industry, but according to McKinsey & Co. risk practice experts, it is not a risk-free event. If...

March 15, 2019 | By Katherine Heires


SEC's Peirce: Fintech Is Risky, Get Used to It

In 13 months on the Securities and Exchange Commission, Hester M. Peirce has pushed for openness to innovation, even criticizing the SEC majority last July for rejecting the listing of a Bitcoin...

February 15, 2019 | By Ted Knutson

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