Friday, June 2, 2023
By Elena Shtern
I was a teenager in Uzbekistan when the Soviet Union collapsed. I recall panic and uncertainty. Empty store shelves. Shortages of basic necessities. Most vividly, I remember my grandmother’s tears when she realized her life savings had been wiped out by currency devaluation. While my parents ensured she had everything she needed, the loss of financial independence weighed heavily on her for the rest of her life.
Decades later, living in the United States, it’s easy to take for granted the strength of the dollar and the safety and soundness of the U.S. financial system. Working on the SAS financial regulatory team, I have a unique perspective and deep appreciation for the complex and sophisticated work that financial regulators do every day to ensure the public can have confidence in our banks.
When the news of Silicon Valley Bank’s potential demise broke, depositors faced significant risk that they would lose access to their accounts and, much worse, their uninsured funds. More than 85% of SVB’s deposits were uninsured.
Elena Shtern of SAS: New risks in an “always on” world.
This brought back memories of my grandmother. I thought of employers suddenly unable to pay employees – and of employees, in turn, unable to pay for necessities like housing, food, and childcare. Fortunately, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury acted promptly to ease market fears and reassure the public that the U.S. financial system is indeed safe and sound.
Lessons Learned
Much has been written about the collapse of SVB and those that followed. Analysts, journalists, regulators and lawmakers will continue to analyze the details and sequence of events that led to these failures. In the case of SVB, it’s clear that its management, inadequate risk management practices and poor governance deserve much blame. But the culpability is broader. As JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon noted in his recent letter to shareholders, “This wasn’t the finest hour for many players.” That includes auditors and bank regulators.
Like many involved in the financial services industry, I followed the demise of SVB with rapt interest, delving into unfolding news coverage, dissecting the postmortem analyses, and debating insights with colleagues with deep expertise in risk management and finance. Wearing my analytical hat and putting myself in the shoes of bank executives and regulators, I see three areas that require regulatory attention. Let’s call them the three Rs of regulatory response to recent bank failures:
Revisiting Assumptions
The banking industry’s relative calm since the Great Recession of 2008 has understandably fueled a degree of complacency around risk management fundamentals. Financial services organizations must now revisit the common assumptions that increase their liquidity risk in today’s volatile economic market. Paramount among them:
Fundamental Shifts in Behavior
Our “always on,” digitally connected world has created new risks for banks that must be addressed. Most especially:
Technology Infrastructure
The modernization of technology infrastructure is an area of utmost importance for regulators and financial institutions alike. As SAS’s Donald van Deventer recently noted for GARP Risk Intelligence, banks must do more stress testing and scenario analysis, enabled by advanced analytics technology. He wrote, “As recently as a few years ago, stress testing and scenario analysis capabilities faced the limitations of the number of hours in a day. But recent advances, especially in the velocity of calculation and the self-learning capabilities of AI and machine learning in the cloud, make more exhaustive analysis possible.”
Financial institutions must “simulate, simulate, simulate to a minimum 10-year time horizon,” he advised. The same can be said for regulators in quantity, frequency, and trajectory. And, like financial firms, bank regulators must continue to modernize their technology stack by investing in robust and scalable data and analytics infrastructure to stay agile and proactive in predicting and identifying emerging risks in the financial system.
A Path Forward
In testimony to Congress, Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr acknowledged that the events of March 2023 have indicated a shift in the banking landscape.
Barr noted that regulators will be “analyzing what recent events have taught us about banking, customer behavior, social media, concentrated and novel business models, rapid growth, deposit runs, interest rate risk, and other factors” – and, moreover, what changes to regulation and supervision are needed to maintain the safety and soundness of the financial system.
In April, the Federal Reserve Board completed an internal investigation and shared the findings and initial recommendations with the public. While the task of shoring up the banking sector’s trepidatious risk landscape is complex and challenging, given the sophistication of the modern financial system, I have confidence in U.S. regulators’ ability to navigate the challenges ahead.
With the right insights and interventions, regulators will help steady the industry, as they have in years past with support of financial firms and the industry’s supporting players. Together, with the benefits of the latest technology, we can pave a path to a more stable and secure global financial system.
Elena Shtern is Customer Advisory Lead for Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies at SAS. She helps financial regulators identify opportunities to improve operations using data analytics in critical areas such as supervision and regulatory compliance, data-driven policy and research, risk management, surveillance, and fraud detection. By aligning their missions and objectives with the right enabling technologies and capabilities, agencies can achieve better outcomes and optimize performance. The views expressed in this article are her own.
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