Becoming an RAI Certificate holder requires passing a rigorous multiple-choice Exam. To enroll in the RAI Program, you must register for an RAI Exam within the relevant exam registration window. To learn more about exam dates, visit the Exam Logistics page.
Create a study plan using our official study materials, prepare with our GARP Learning platform, and familiarize yourself with RAI deadlines. GARP recommends approximately 100-130 hours of preparation to be ready for the RAI Exam.
The RAI Exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within the allotted four-hour timeframe. Candidates who pass the Exam receive an electronic certificate of completion and a digital badge they can share on LinkedIn.
RAI Certificate holders can keep their learning journey going with the GARP's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. While CPD is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged. Certificate holders can tap into exclusive learning benefits with a GARP Individual Membership.
Be one of the first professionals to earn the RAI Certificate. Sign up by October 31 for a November/December 2024 Exam.
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