The globally recognized standard for those who manage financial risk. Be part of an elite network that includes employees at the world’s top banks, asset management firms, consulting firms, and regulators.
From entry-level to executive, across industries such as banking, fintech, hospitality, and more, SCR Certificate holders are leading their companies with solutions to today's top issues in climate change and sustainability.
Developed by world-leading AI experts and senior risk practitioners, GARP’s RAI Certificate offers a timely look at AI tools and techniques, risks and risk factors, ethics, and governance frameworks for ensuring responsible deployment.
Achieve your career potential as a member of our global risk community through professional resources, events, networking opportunities, and more.
Addressing the need to conduct global systemic risk studies through hypothetical portfolio exercises, quantitative impact studies, and other non-partisan benchmarking activities.
The research and thought leadership arm of GARP, promoting non-partisan discussions and education on climate risk management.
An introduction to the key concepts in risk management in the form of a self-study online course.
Get a more detailed look at the key areas of financial risk through this self-study online course.
A content hub of original, cutting-edge articles, webcasts, podcasts, and white papers on today's top risk topics.
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