Risk Management’s Latest Trial by Crisis
May 12, 2023
Hear veteran risk manager, advisor and professor Clifford Rossi’s perspective on recent turmoil in the banking system, on where risk management fell short, and the profession’s readiness for future challenges.
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and subsequent events inevitably invited comparisons with past crises. It was widely assumed that the damages of 2023 would be more contained than those of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. But they could similarly leave a long tail, with economic and regulatory repercussions well into the future.
A clear parallel between 2008 and 2023 is the spotlight placed on risk management. In the intervening years, the risk function in banking and financial services grew in prestige and responsibility – and its failings were documented as having played a role in SVB’s demise.
Speaker Bio
Drawing from regulatory experience early in his career, to senior risk and credit positions at major financial institutions, to his current professorship at the University of Maryland, Cliff Rossi has lived through multiple crises while observing the effectiveness and evolution of risk management. GARP Risk Intelligence’s CRO Outlook columnist, Rossi has been especially critical of boards of directors’ risk governance, one of many timely subjects covered in his podcast conversation with GARP contributing editor Jeff Kutler.
Topics: Resilience
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