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Results of GARP’s 2024 Global Survey of Nature Risk Management at Financial Firms

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 4:00 PM

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Explore the results of our inaugural Global Survey of Nature Risk Management at Financial Firms.

Nature loss has a profound impact on the economy and is a source of significant risk for financial institutions. Moreover, nature’s resilience is vital in the battle against climate change. 

Consequently, some regulators have already published formal guidelines for nature risk management, and nature-related risks and opportunities are now being monitored closely by the boards of directors at many firms. It is also true, though, that nature risk management is in its very early stages, and there is still much more work to do.

In April, GARP released the findings from its first global survey of nature risk management across 48 top financial firms with nearly USD 33 trillion of assets. This webcast will explore the key takeaways from the survey, including:

  • The main challenges facing firms in the development of their nature risk management capabilities;
  • The maturity of nature risk management compared to climate risk management in financial firms; and
  • How firms are responding to the increased need for nature expertise through training and staffing.


Jo Paisley

Jo Paisley
President, GARP Risk Institute

Maxine Nelson

Maxine Nelson
Senior Vice President, GARP Risk Institute

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