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Results of GARP’s 2024 Global Survey of Nature Risk Management at Financial Firms

May 21, 2024

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May 21, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM |


Explore the results of our inaugural Global Survey of Nature Risk Management at Financial Firms.

Nature loss has a profound impact on the economy and is a source of significant risk for financial institutions. Moreover, nature’s resilience is vital in the battle against climate change. 

Consequently, some regulators have already published formal guidelines for nature risk management, and nature-related risks and opportunities are now being monitored closely by the boards of directors at many firms. It is also true, though, that nature risk management is in its very early stages, and there is still much more work to do.

In April, GARP released the findings from its first global survey of nature risk management across 48 top financial firms with nearly USD 33 trillion of assets. This webcast will explore the key takeaways from the survey, including:

  • The main challenges facing firms in the development of their nature risk management capabilities;
  • The maturity of nature risk management compared to climate risk management in financial firms; and
  • How firms are responding to the increased need for nature expertise through training and staffing.

Topics: Green Finance & Sustainable Business, Transition Risk


Jo Paisley

Jo Paisley

President, GARP Risk Institute
Jo Paisley

Jo Paisley

President, GARP Risk Institute

Jo Paisley is co-President of the GARP Risk Institute, the thought leadership arm of GARP. Set up in early 2018, the Institute works across all risk disciplines, with Jo’s focus to date on climate risk management and scenario analysis, stress testing and operational resilience.

Her career began at the Bank of England where she worked in a variety of roles across macroeconomics, statistics, supervision and risk. Her last role was as a Director of the Supervisory Risk Specialists Division within the Prudential Regulation Authority, where she was heavily involved in the design and execution of the UK’s first concurrent stress test in 2014. She left the Bank in 2015 and joined HSBC as their Global Head of Stress Testing. She has also worked as an independent stress testing consultant, advising firms on how to get the most value out of stress testing.

Maxine Nelson

Maxine Nelson

Senior Vice President, GARP Risk Institute
Maxine Nelson

Maxine Nelson

Senior Vice President, GARP Risk Institute

Maxine is a Senior Vice President at the GARP Risk Institute, GARP’s research and thought leadership arm, where she focusses on climate and environmental financial risk management. 

She has extensive experience in risk, capital and regulation gained from a wide-ranging variety of roles, including Global Head of Wholesale Risk Analytics and Head of Capital Planning at HSBC, significantly expanding counterparty credit risk management at the UK Financial Services Authority during the last financial crisis, leading the credit risk team at KPMG London, senior credit risk consultant at Oliver Wyman, and embedding operational risk analytics globally at National Australia Bank. Maxine has a degree in mechanical engineering and a PhD about how best to apply probability theory to real world problems.

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