Chapter Meeting


How Shifting Interest Rates Impact Banks

December 5, 2023

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Hosted by Citi Solutions Center Poland

Paul Samuelson, the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, wrote in 1945 “The banking system as a whole is not really hurt by an increase in the whole complex of interest rates. It is left tremendously better off by such a change…A typical single bank, taken by itself, is not really hurt by an increase in the whole complex of interest rates. It is left tremendously better off by such a change.”

Samuelson’s writings set the context for this discussion of recent market developments. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, central banks cut interest rates rapidly, and rates remained close to zero for a time. Subsequently, these banks hiked rates in response to increasing inflation.

Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP®) Poland Chapter would like to invite you to a presentation “How Shifting Interest Rates Impact Banks.” The goal of the event is to relate this important topic to recent market developments. Some of the questions covered will include:

  • How are banks managing interest rate fluctuations?
  • How are rate changes impacting net income and capital?
  • What are the lessons learned?


5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Registration

5:30 PM – 5:35 PM Introduction by GARP chapter director

5:35 PM – 5:45 PM Interest Rate Environment in Recent Years by Marcin Pietrzak

5:45 PM – 6:00 PM EU market Regulation Perspectives by Pawel Splawski

6:00 PM – 6:15 PM Debt Securities portfolios of US and EU G-SIBs and their impact on capitals in rising yields environment by Michal Kolodziejczyk

6:15 PM – 6:30 PM Panel discussion with Audience Q&A

6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Networking

Attendees qualify for 1 GARP CPD credit.


December 5, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM


Generation Park, Prosta 36 (Citi Office), Warsaw, 00-838


Michał Kolodziejczyk

Michał Kolodziejczyk
Senior Vice President at Citi, Model Risk Management

Piotr Buzala, Ph.D

Piotr Buzala, Ph.D
Senior Vice President at Citi, Model Risk Management

Marcin Pietrzak, Ph.D

Marcin Pietrzak, Ph.D
Vice President at Citi, Stress Testing Scenarios Risk Modelling

Paweł Splawski, FRM, ACCA

Paweł Splawski, FRM, ACCA
Partner at Deloitte, Risk Advisory, Financial Services

Erik Emilsson

Erik Emilsson
Global Network Banking, Poland Country Head, Bank Handlowy

Chapter Directors

Mateusz Mogilski
FRM Senior Vice President Citibank Europe

Pawel Splawski
FRM Partner Risk Advisory Financial Services at Deloitte Poland

Committee Members

Zanna Szachniuk
PhD FRM EMBA Regional Head Enterprise Risk Management HSBC

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