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Financial Risk Management and Resilience in Ukraine

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 11:00 AM

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Russia’s invasion has served as an extreme resilience test for Ukraine’s financial system and banks, as well as a source of significant challenges for the country’s financial risk managers. 

Join us for webcast where Bill May, GARP’s global head of certifications and educational programs, will moderate an expert panel in a discussion of the financial risk impacts of the invasion, including: 

  • Key risk management challenges faced, and strategies employed for managing them
  • Pre-war steps that impacted the resilience of Ukrainian institutions, and additional steps that might have been taken
  • Bank funding, credit decisions, and other risk management fundamentals since the invasion
  • The role of the central bank, government, and others
  • Key lessons learned


Larisa Chernyshova, Member of the Management Board, Chief Risk Officer, PrivatBank

Pervin Dadashova, Ph.D., FRM, CFA, Director of Financial Stability Department, National Bank of Ukraine

Natalia Gurina, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Risk Officer, Raiffeisen Bank

Taras Prots, Member of the Management Board, Chief Risk Officer, OTP Bank

Moderator: William May, Global Head of Certifications and Educational Programs, GARP

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