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Transition Risk Masterclass (Part One): How to Identify Drivers and Measure the Risk

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 4:00 PM

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In this special webcast, climate risk leader James Belmont shares his expertise on transition risk data, modelling, and reporting, and what practitioners should be aiming for in their own analyses. 

In this first session of our two-part Transition Risk Masterclass, James Belmont, Partner and Climate Risk Lead at Baringa, takes us through the challenges faced by transition risk modellers in the financial sector, and how they can be addressed. 

In this session, we answer the questions:

  • What tools are firms building in order to navigate climate risk and net zero?
  • What constitutes industry-leading climate scenario analysis?
  • Once you have made your net zero commitments, what tools do you need to create to drive your businesses towards delivering on those commitments?


James Belmont, Partner, Climate Risk Lead, Baringa

Dr. Maxine Nelson, Senior Vice President, GARP Risk Institute

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