- Webcast -
Thursday, July 30, 2020 11:00 AM
Scenario analysis is widely recognised as one of the most important tools for understanding the impacts of climate change on your organisation. It can also help prompt longer term strategic thinking about risks and opportunities. Despite this, findings from GARP’s second annual Global Survey of Climate Risk Management found scenario analysis to be amongst the least mature elements of climate financial risk management across firms. It is clear that a significant gap exists between the need for climate scenario analysis and the capabilities to fully utilise this tool.
It is this gap that recently published guides from the NGFS and CFRF hope to address. The NGFS Guide to climate scenario analysis for central banks and supervisors and the Scenario Analysis chapter from the Climate Financial Risk Forum Guide 2020, both published in late June, will provide firms with an important insight into emerging regulatory activity, as well as provide practical steps for developing the use and deployment of scenario analysis.
To help us explore this set of resources we are fortunate to be joined by Theresa Lober, Head of the Bank of England’s Climate Hub. As part of her role, Theresa has worked closely with the NGFS on the production of these publications and is ideally situated to help us digest their contents.
Through this webcast you will gain an understanding of:
Theresa Löber, Head of Climate Hub, Bank of England
Jo Paisley. Co-President, GARP Risk Institute
Jo Paisley
President, GARP Risk Institute
President, GARP Risk Institute
Jo Paisley is co-President of the GARP Risk Institute, the thought leadership arm of GARP. Set up in early 2018, the Institute works across all risk disciplines, with Jo’s focus to date on climate risk management and scenario analysis, stress testing and operational resilience.
Her career began at the Bank of England where she worked in a variety of roles across macroeconomics, statistics, supervision and risk. Her last role was as a Director of the Supervisory Risk Specialists Division within the Prudential Regulation Authority, where she was heavily involved in the design and execution of the UK’s first concurrent stress test in 2014. She left the Bank in 2015 and joined HSBC as their Global Head of Stress Testing. She has also worked as an independent stress testing consultant, advising firms on how to get the most value out of stress testing.
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