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How to Boost Your Career with the FRM®

Thursday, May 5, 2022 11:00 AM

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How do today’s financial risk managers provide value for their organizations? How has the practice changed over the past four years where new and evolving risks — including climate change, disruptive technologies, and the global pandemic and its fallout — amplified the need for sound risk management practices? What are the skills and knowledge you need to shape and successfully navigate a risk career?

GARP’s Global Head of Certifications and Educational Programs, Bill May, and a panel of Certified FRMs will answer these questions and share insights from more than 1,500 financial risk professionals who completed GARP’s survey Global Practice Analysis 2021. 


Join us to learn:

  • Key trends in the practice of financial risk management and how the industry has changed
  • Why risk professionals are in strong demand
  • How the FRM sets professionals apart with employers
  • How the FRM curriculum changes to impart the critical knowledge and skills required in a continually evolving industry
  • What you should know regarding exam registration

Don’t forget to prepare for the live Q&A so you can learn from these risk management experts. Whether you’re a risk practitioner looking to enhance your skills, a finance professional seeking to transition to a new career, or a student considering a future in financial risk management, this webcast is for you.



11:00 - 11:05 am EDT: Welcome and Introductions

11:05 - 11:25 am EDT: Insights into the Industry: Results of the 2021 Global Practice Analysis with Bill May, GARP

11:25 - 11:45 am EDT: Panel discussion with FRMs

11:45 - Noon EDT: Audience Q&A



Timothy Cuddihy, Managing Director, Financial Risk Management, DTCC

Balaji Devarajan, FRM, CIA, Vice President, JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Daniele Forni, FRM, Director - Portfolio Monitoring Transformation, HSBC

Binh Nguyen, FRM, Internal Auditor, Vietcombank

William May, Global Head of Certifications and Educational Programs, GARP

Moderator: Michael Sell, SVP, Global Head of Institutional Outreach and Business Development, GARP

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