Chapter Meeting
Cryptoassets: Where We Stand and Future Perspectives
March 21, 2024 6:00 PM | Paris, France Chapter | In-Person
March 21, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Société Générale, 17 Cours Valmy Room : Amphitheatre Granite, Paris, 92800 Puteaux
Global interest and debate over the reliability and efficiency of cryptoassets continues to grow. Recent SEC approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products (ETPs) in the U.S. has spurred further debate about the impact and efficacy of the cryptoasset market.
During this session, we will provide a global outlook and discuss several main drivers that could shape the future and global acceptance of cryptoassets.
Expect insightful discussions addressing:
- Details of recent and expected future global regulatory developments and their expected impact on financial markets
- Technological innovations shaping cryptoassets as an investment vehicle
- The main challenges current providers of cryptoassets services must address
Registration is required as seats are limited. Priority will be given to GARP Individual Members.
6:00 – 6:30 pm: Registration
6:30 – 6:35 pm: Welcome remarks
6:35 – 7:35 pm: Presentation/Panel discussion with Audience Q&A
7:35 – 9:00 pm: Networking reception & Drinks

Julien Prat

Frederic Bellanca

Emmanuel Lion

Sylvain Prigent
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