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Chapter Meeting

Cryptoassets: Where We Stand and Future Perspectives

March 21, 2024 6:00 PM | Paris, France Chapter | In-Person


March 21, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |


Société Générale, 17 Cours Valmy Room : Amphitheatre Granite, Paris, 92800 Puteaux


Global interest and debate over the reliability and efficiency of cryptoassets continues to grow. Recent SEC approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products (ETPs) in the U.S. has spurred further debate about the impact and efficacy of the cryptoasset market.  

During this session, we will provide a global outlook and discuss several main drivers that could shape the future and global acceptance of cryptoassets. 

Expect insightful discussions addressing:

  • Details of recent and expected future global regulatory developments and their expected impact on financial markets
  • Technological innovations shaping cryptoassets as an investment vehicle
  • The main challenges current providers of cryptoassets services must address

Registration is required as seats are limited. Priority will be given to GARP Individual Members.


6:00 – 6:30 pm: Registration

6:30 – 6:35 pm: Welcome remarks

6:35 – 7:35 pm: Presentation/Panel discussion with Audience Q&A

7:35 – 9:00 pm: Networking reception & Drinks


Julien Prat

Julien Prat

CNRS Director of Research and Professor of Economics; Ecole Polytechnique
Julien Prat

Julien Prat

CNRS Director of Research and Professor of Economics; Ecole Polytechnique

Julien is a CNRS Director of Research and Professor of Economics at the Ecole Polytechnique. He is the head of the Blockchain@X research center, supervising a team of researchers working on the optimal design and financial implication of decentralized systems.

Frederic Bellanca

Frederic Bellanca

Partner; Dartevelle Dubest Bellanca
Emmanuel Lion

Emmanuel Lion

Senior Risk Advisor, Hedge Funds & Prime Group; Société Générale and University Lecturer; ScPo Paris
Sylvain Prigent

Sylvain Prigent

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer; SG-Forge
Sylvain Prigent

Sylvain Prigent

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer; SG-Forge

Sylvain is Co-founder and CPO of SG-Forge. He leads the development of scaling solutions for digital-native financial products registered on the blockchain as well as the digital asset structuring. Previously he held various roles within capital markets, such as Trading Risk Officer and Market Risk Analyst on repo and equity finance desks.

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