Chapter Meeting

Budapest, Hungary

Energy Risk: Old Frontiers, New Challenges and Risk Management Opportunities

December 7, 2023

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Geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic turbulence are characterized by significant uncertainty concerning energy. At this event we will explore the views of risk to energy markets and related risks from various perspectives. The presenters are senior experts and managers from a wide range of institutions who will discuss current and future challenges regarding energy.

  • Oil & Gas Markets: Fragile, Resilient or Business as Usual
  • Risk Management-Related Power Purchase Agreements
  • Transition Risk for the Energy Sector
  • Energy Risk-Related Hedging Practices During Volatile Times

Following the presentations of their individual topics there will be a panel discussion where audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss in greater detail. The evening will conclude with a networking reception.


6:00 – 6:30 PM: Registration 

6:30 – 6:35 PM: Welcome/introduction

6:35 – 7:35 PM: Speaker presentations 

7:35 – 8:20 PM: Panel discussion with the invited speakers

8:20 – 8:30 PM: Welcoming newly-certified FRM and SCR holders

8:30 – 9:30 PM: Networking

Attendees qualify for 1 GARP CPD credit.


December 7, 2023
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM


MSCI Budapest Office Kassák Lajos u. 19-25, Budapest, 1134


Ágnes Horváth

Ágnes Horváth
Chief economist, MOL Group

Antonios Panagiotopoulos

Antonios Panagiotopoulos
Executive Director ESG & Climate Research, MSCI Inc

Márton Pesti

Márton Pesti
Head of business analysis, Alteo Group

Sándor Misik

Sándor Misik
Head of Financial Risk Management, MVM Group

Chapter Directors

Homolya Daniel
Daniel Homolya Enterprise Risk Management Managing Director OTP Group

Peter Sziklai
Executive Director Morgan Stanley

Committee Members

Norbert Palmai
Quantitative Research Vice President BlackRock

Csaba Novaky
Vice President Morgan Stanley

Tamas Gombar
Quantitative Analyst Vice President Citi

David Marczis
Senior Risk Manager Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the central bank of Hungary)

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