Financial Risk Manager (FRM®)
Exam Preparation Providers
Below is a list of the Exam Preparation Providers that GARP has compiled as a service to candidates to aid them in their study plan. While the FRM is a self-study program, some candidates may prefer more hands-on guidance in their studying. Exam Preparation Providers are third-party services that assist with exam preparation.
As a reminder, GARP does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy or the products or services offered by Exam Preparation Providers of FRM-related information. Nor does it endorse pass rates claimed by any Exam Preparation Provider. Further, GARP is not responsible for any fees or costs paid by the user to an FRM Exam Preparation Provider. GARP provides FRM candidates with this information as a service to them.
- Region
- Teaching Format
Exam Preparation Provider
If you are seeking to become an approved Exam Preparation Provider for the FRM Exam, please fill out the form below.
Ready to take the next step toward Certification?
Early registration for the May 2025 FRM Exam is now open.