Students and faculty in Academic Partner programs have exclusive access to scholarships which cover the FRM Part I Exam registration fee. Up to six students and one faculty recipient may be nominated by the program administrators each year. For more information please fill out the form below.
Students at partner universities have an opportunity to connect with local risk professionals. When possible, we arrange on-campus information sessions for students to learn from certified risk professionals working in the field.
Our Research Fellowship Program awards up to USD 3,000 in research funding to up to six currently enrolled Master's-level students each year. These research fellowships are only available to schools within our Academic Partner network.
Partners will receive discounts up to 50% on digital banner advertising with GARP.
Partners will receive a free annual copy of relevant study guides, learning objectives, and practice exams, as well as a 20% discount on an additional set of curriculum materials for the FRM.
We send our partners a digital pack of official logos and testimonials for use in their communications to highlight their status as a GARP Academic Partner. In addition, we will list the program as an Academic Partner on our website, complete with the program's logo, description and website link.