
Glossary & Jargon Buster:
Sustainability and Climate Risk


Simple definitions for the most frequently referenced terms, phrases, and acronyms.
Terms written in italics within an entry are defined elsewhere in the glossary. These definitions can be located using the search bar below.

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External Resources

The Basics of Climate Change
The Basics of Environment
Climate and Sustainability Solutions
Transitioning to Net-Zero
The Basics of Climate Risk

Physical risk (Hazard, Acute hazards, Chronic hazards)
Transition risk (Drivers, Policy risk, Legal risk, Technology risk, Market risk, Reputation risk)

Scenario (Scenario analysis)

IPCC Reports and Concepts

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Assessment report (AR) (Working groups, Synthesis report)
Special report

Shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs)

Climate Diplomacy
Greenhouse Gas Accounting

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