
Stress Testing: A View from the Trenches

Jeff Kutler, Editor-in-Chief, Risk Intelligence, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and Thomas Kimner, Head of Global Operations -Risk Management, SAS discuss some of the highlights gleaned from the GARP 2015 industry survey, which addressed ?The Evolution of Stress Testing: A Survey of Banking Institutions Worldwide.?

Since the global financial crisis of 2008, stress tests have taken on growing importance and prominence in financial institution supervision and regulation. This report by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and SAS is based on survey results from 89 executives and practitioners directly or closely involved in the process at a globally distributed sample of financial institutions. It sheds light on the state of stress testing as perceived by those who are ?in the trenches.? From these results, a picture emerges of the level of maturity and effectiveness of the processes and procedures that these organizations have put in place to implement stress tests.

For the full results go to: Stress Testing: A View from the Trenches

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